Apply less.
Achieve more.


Phosta N

Phosta K


— Welcome to Phosta

Phosta is a trademark of Forthright Limited. All products being sold under the Phosta name have been imported by Forthright Limited exclusively.

Phosta products can be blended, but can no longer be called a Phosta product once blended.

If you are unsure of whether a product is a Phosta product, contact us for more information.

Exclusive to Forthright Limited, Phosta K comes in these bags, only.

We import quality fertiliser from Indonesia to supply the wholesale market in New Zealand and other countries.

We support you to use the right product in the right volume for maximum yield. We understand that sometimes less is more.


— Quality Ensured

We take quality control seriously.

✔ Our team in Indonesia constantly monitor the entire process of mining and manufacturing all the way to loading at port.

✔ Our products are tested at the mine, the supplier, our laboratory, and products are randomly tested.

✔ We test samples from every container we import.

✔ Test results are provided to all customers, as well as container numbers, so they can view and track their orders.

✔ We have a standard for hardness, to reduce the amount of dust in our product



We consider the long term effects of our products on soil health. 

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We only use products from suppliers we know and trust

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Our products do not contain cadmium and fluoride levels that will accumulate in soil.

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We source all our phosphate from Indonesia.


We support our current renewable and sustainable practices, and continually support and encourage more of these practices.


— Customised Fertalisers


We can create specialty fertiliser blends to suit your individual needs.